Fr. Greg Paffel

Here is an hour testimony I gave to Marcus Grodi on his EWTN program: The Journey Home.

My approach to ministry:

“For you I am a bishop, with you I am a Christian!” These are the words of St. Augustine. Of course I am not a bishop as he was, but these words have inspired me greatly as a priest. And so my personal way of thinking is this: I am a Man first, a Christian second, and a Priest third.

God created me in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13) just the same as He created each of you. I was a boy with a childhood. I matured into a young man who made many of the mistakes all of you have made. And so among you, I learned what it means to be human. The fact is, I still put my pants on the same way as you do, one leg at a time. I am a Man first.

I was baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19). My family took me to church, we said meal grace, and we had a picture of the Last Supper near our kitchen table. Eventually I learned my faith and embraced it as my very own. Just like many of you, my daily personal prayer time is essential. And so with you, I live out my beliefs in Jesus Christ. I am a Christian second.

Christ called me to drop my nets and follow Him (Mark 1:17-18) into the ordained ministry. After 10 years of discernment, including studies in the seminary, and finally ordination, I entered Holy Orders. And so for you, I share in the ministry of Jesus as Priest, Prophet, and King. I sanctify you with the Sacraments, I teach you in Homilies, and I govern you as a shepherd leads his flock. I am a Priest third.

Most importantly, I hope that I am able to live in a manner that shows the true love that God has for each of you!


In our Father’s hands,

🙂  Fr. Greg Paffel

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